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What is breathwork? Why Breath of Bliss?

Breath is a life force energy. If we are doing it correctly and consciously, we can gain vitality, calmness and clear emotional blockages. There are many different type of breathing techniques and breathwork nowadays. The one I am sharing is Breath of Bliss. In this article, I would like to talk about what it is actually especially for people who are really new to conscious breathing. It is not pranayama.

Breath of Bliss is different from yoga, meditation or other breathing technique such as pranayama which these techniques encourage creating instant transcendent calmness by holding the breath.

breath of bliss: open mouth connected breath, a type of breathwork which we would skip the pause between

While Breath of Bliss is breathwork technique using open mouth connected breath, which we would skip the pause between each breath. We are focusing on letting go of control and liberate emotions to breathe.

It stimulates di-methyltryptamine, same active chemical compound contained in the Ayahuasca that allows access to non-ordinary states of reality where your soul lives. It is not a practice but a self-sourcing experience.

In Breath of Bliss, you are the master of your journey. Ever time is a new experience when you are in a different group, with different energy and momentum. The token of the journey is your devotion on breath. With the combination of breath, movement and sound, you are able to go through a self-sourcing journey of vitality, aliveness and new inspirations.

it is a self-sourcing experience.

It is a sacred ceremony.

We call in the highest guidance, earth, cosmos, highest source to join our journey, protect us and keep us safe.

Breath of Bliss is different from other form of breathwork because it is created as a sacred ceremony which this is started already before participants entering the space.

Facilitators create this sacred space before physically meeting the participants. We breathe ourselves. We breathe into the souls who are ready to join the circle from our heart. We breathe to call them in and connect with them in our deep presence.

We create a spiritual playlist for the ceremony by breathing into each songs to feel, adjust and connect. Each song is weaved in from the intuitions that facilitators connect from what energy that is coming up. We keep adjusting it to allow the energy can fully flow at the same time be hold in a safe space. Sometimes till right before the ceremony starts, it is still changing because it is created from the group energy but not about us.

Throughout the whole ceremony, facilitators would call in the highest guidance, earth, cosmos, highest source to join our journey, protect us and keep us safe. We facilitate by connecting and channeling from our souls. With a pure intention to awaken participants in soul level with breath, movement and sound. Question: Who can join?

  • Everyone who feel called can join. Feeling called means being move and felt a bubbling feeling from the heart can join

  • Everyone who wants and feel ready to release tension that has been suppressing emotionally for long can join

  • Everyone who wants to gain vitality, aliveness and experience what compassion, pure love truly means can join

  • Everyone who has the openness and willing to give yourself full permission to see the vision, mission and true purpose of life can join

Everyone who has the openness and willing to give yourself full permission to see the vision, mission and true purpose of life can join

Question: What is possible to happen in the ceremony?

You might experience tinkling, cramping in various part of the body. It is called “tetnay”, a very good sign that you are breathing right which your body is in a hyper-oxygenated stage and start releasing stress from cellular level. It is all safe. Stay with the breath and it will go away.

Different emotions might come up, fear, anger, sadness, shame, joy or whatever feeling that you’ve been suppressing. Your breath is the channel to release all blockages, contractions and trapped emotions inside us. To open up and go beyond to see what is the root cause or messages we need to know behind all these emotions.

Be opened and go beyond to see what is the root cause or messages you need to know behind all emotions.

You may access God consciousness via lights, colours, streaming images, frequencies, textures and sacred geometrical shapes. Some may experience past lives or forgotten memories, which all these are messages and knowings that you can direct download from your own unique experience.

Everyone would have different experience, and you can always control your journey by breath. The faster and stronger the breath, the deeper your experience would be. Question: Can I join later? I might be 10 mins late.

No, it is important to commit to the full 2-3 hours ceremony because every part is designed to weave in you and other participants' unique experiences. From beginning on how we connect with the circle, set our intention till the end on how we integrate our experiences and insight and how we seal the container created and come back to the centerness, every part of the ceremony matters. So if you decided to join, please respect yourself and the circle, be on time or event better to arrive 5-10 mins earlier to allow yourself to drop into the presence of the circle.

Respect yourself and everyone in the circle, please be on time.

I hope you have a bigger picture on what Breath of Bliss is, yet I do encourage you to have a direct experience yourself because it is not something we can explain in words or can be figure out by our mind. It can be a mind blowing experience when you open up to feel and breathe. Feel free to email me for any questions, many blessings to you.

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