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Vegetarian = Healthy? Never be a junk food vegetarian!

Green Monday, intermediate fasting, pressed juice, it is a good news we become more heath conscious nowadays. Recently, many people around me share they want to be a vegetarian, it seems a healthier lifestyle to start with, at the same time keeping the body light and being good for the animals.

Yet, quitting meat doesn't mean healthy. If you are in lack of the correct concept on how to eat and maintain a balance diet. You are just being a junk food vegetarian which is even worse.

Today I share 5 principles on how to stay away from this trap:

1. Quit the white

There's a saying "The whiter your bread, the sooner you're dead". White bread, plain pasta, even rice, are all empty calorie food, which means they are filtered out all the nutrients, enzymes, and fibres we need. Having these food we will feel hungry again very soon, because they spike up our blood sugar level like a roller coaster, which at the same time causing obesity and diabetes.

2. Stay processed-free

Hooray! We got so much choices even if we go meatless diet! French fries, cookies, grilled cheese, packaged chips, Chinese imitation chicken, pork and beef... seriously? Are they really healthy? These food are highly processed and full of hydrogenated oil, GMOs, refined sugar. If you want poor skin, fragile hair, joint pain, bloated belly, dark eye circles, keep consuming them.

3. Go for the real food

Choose organic, fresh, and whole food. Eat seasonal and purchase from local market, which the food are always fresher and taste better. One simple rule to remind yourself, "do not eat food that your great grandmother would not recognise."

4. Eat nutrient dense food

Whole grains, quinoa, beans, legumes, bee's pollen, seaweed, soy, dark green vegetables are excellent choice for vegetarian. They are full of nutrients, antioxidant and enzymes to keep our gut, brain and skin healthy.

5. Drink consciously

Avoid sodas, energy drink, coke or anything with table sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and refined sugar. They are all as addictive as cocaine, makes you crave but at the same time never feel enough. Never overload our liver, our body is not designed to be tortured in such way.

Did you know? 1 serving of mojito contains up to 6 teaspoons of sugar?

I would recommend you to eat meat than eating like a junk food vegetarian. As long as you are choosing certified organic, natural and grass-fed one, they are much healthier than eating the junks which make you sick. After all, diet is not about what you eat, but how you eat.

We are all bio-individuals which no one diet fits all. It is important to find your suitable way to eat and get rid of unnecessary dietary stress.

Go for the right diet with nutrient-dense greens, low sugar, great proteins, healthy fat, and fibres to start with. We are all bio-individuality, one man’s food could be another man’s poison. Examine yourself and your food like science, or contact me for further advice on how to eat.

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